Liz Truss – the Tory gift to Keir Starmer

This is from YouGov:
Liz Truss is now less popular than Boris Johnson ever was. The prime minister’s popularity has plummeted following a tumultuous week in politics, leaving her less well-liked than other former party leaders at their lowest ebb. Just 14% of the public say they have a favourable impression of Truss in a YouGov survey conducted between 1-2 October, compared to more than a quarter (26%) who said so in the previous survey on 21-22 September. Nearly three quarters (73%) now see the prime minister in an unfavourable light, including more than half (55%) who see her very unfavourably.
Opinium at the weekend had just 26% of GE2019 Tory voters approving of her with 46% disapproving.
It is very hard to see this change. She is as she is and the party is stuck with her.
This afternoon we should see the first post-speech polling and I would be very surprised if perceptions have moved.