My September CON poll lead bet a looking a bit sick

Regular PBers will recall that back in July I was suggesting that a Tory poll lead in September was a likely possibility because the new leader would get a bounce. The contest finished on September 5th and there was plenty of time I reasoned during the month for just one poll to put the Tories over the line
The pollster I thought might be the one to have a blue lead was Opinium because of its weighting mechanism and how it treats the views of former Tory voters who now say don’t know.
Well we had a survey from the firm at the weekend that this had the Labour lead up a point to 5%. It is just possible that one of the remaining polls this month might suffice but I don’t think that’s going to happen
Sometimes you get calls wrong and in my case you have to grin and bear it.
The demise of the Queen rather put an end to any idea of a honeymoon for Truss and that is what I had been counting on.