Punters are far from convinced that LizT can turn the tide

The demise of the Queen has totally dominated the news for the first fortnight of the premiership of Liz Truss that it is hard to come to any conclusions about the way things are going or how she is being perceived. What is clear is that the first state funeral since Churchill has effectively led to her being deprived of a normal honeymoon that new prime ministers generally enjoy.
Whether she can make up for this now the funeral is behind us is hard to say but one of the things that is very true is that you only have one chance to make a first impression and that I’m afraid has gone.
The lack of focus on domestic politics has meant that there have been very few public opinion polls in the period so we have little to measure the way that the public is viewing the new prime minister. At least she had a speaking part at the Abbey yesterday!
The chart above is on how those who bet on politics view the next election and as can be seen there has been something of a move to Labour during the period of the LIzT Premiership.