A significant proportion of Brits don’t support the monarchy

Liz Triss needs to speak out
One of the growing issues that is emerging has been the arrest by police of those who are demonstrating against the notion of monarchy. This happened again in Edinburgh today and I for one feel very uneasy about it.
YouGov polling above from last May shows a significant backing for the monarchy but it also shows that a sizeable number of people are not supportive. This is why there are many who are increasingly troubled by the police arrests of those who are demonstrating against the monarchy.
Let us not forget that in a celebrated speech to the Lib Dem conference into in 1994 Liz Truss moved a motion calling for the abolition of the monarchy. She’s moved on a bit since then but it does emphasise that it is a point of view that is perfectly legitimate for someone to have.
Liz herself needs to say something now.