For LAB and the BBC LE2022 is more than just Wandsworth

If you have been watching the BBC election coverage overnight you could have been forgiven that LE2022 was simply confined to the London Borough of Wandsworth. It had about 20 times the coverage of any other election and even the other Tory London loss, Barnet, struggled to get a look in.
The coverage was almost unwatchable for those like me who tune in to a results programme to get news of results of which there are hundreds and hundreds but we barely saw them. To say the detailed results are on the website is a cop out.
There have been other council changes though perhaps not as many as had been predicted.
Overall though as I write this has been a disappointing set of elections for Labour with the LDs topping the party list for the most net gains.
The Tories have been doing their ridiculous spinning with one spokesman telling us on Sky that there had been predictions of 800 losses which is complete rubbish.
Overall Johnson is very safe but I wonder whether Starmer is now the leader with the most to worry about.