Vulnerable and quadruple jabbed yet I still got COVID

Quite a number of PBers have been contacting me to ask how I am after reporting here during the Easter weekend that I had contracted COVID. Well it took just over a week but I am pretty much over it now. My wife still has it and remains infectious.
The worst part was the unbelievable splitting headache. This was relieved a bit for an hour or so by Paracetamol and Codeine but then I had to wait for five or six hours to pass before taking the next doses. I did not lose my sense of taste or smell.
The thing that really got me was that I have had all my jabs the fourth one only a few weeks beforehand. I was told that my experience was typical for those of my age, mid-70s. Clearly if I had not been vaccinated this would have been a whole lot worse and possibly I wouldn’t be writing this now.
Maybe our expectations for the vaccine were over-stated. Thanks to everybody for their best wishes.