2022 once again the betting favourite for BoJo’s exit

What we saw with the approach to yesterday’s Commons move to have an inquiry into whether BJ has been honest with the House was that the initial Tory plan went out of the window.
There simply was not the support of Tory MPs to back a wrecking amendment to Labour’s motion and so in the end there was no vote. This was a huge sign of weakness that will likely be remembered. The PM’s team cannot take the support of the parliamentary party for granted.
With the local elections now just 13 days away Tory MPs did not want to create a new hostage to fortune that would make it even harder to get their vote out on May 5th.
The striking thing from this YouGov polling is the Tory voter split. Johnson does not even have a majority of his own party supporters believing that he is genuinely sorry. Not a good place to be.

Once CON MPs think Johnson is an electoral liability his departure will be a question of “when” not “if”.