Now a 58% betting chance that the PM won’t survive 2022

The drip by drip leaks are hugely damaging
The big problem for the Prime Minister in what is now known as party-gate is that he doesn’t know the extent of the leaking and it is clear that the latest revelations are not the end of the matter.
Whoever is leaking this is doing it in such a way to cause maximum damage to the PM. It is striking that each new bit of the story is more incriminating to the PM than the previous one.
The problem is that the COVID lockdowns are something that we all shared and all have a view. The front pages this morning sum up the growing political crisis that faces Johnson. What should be really worrying is the increasing number of Tory MPs ready to make their views known.
One thing’s for sure – there is more to come. Whoever the leaker or leakers are they are being hugely effective in keeping the story going.