Kamala Harris declining sharply in the WH2024 betting

Following on from our discussion yesterday on Joe Biden the chart above shows how punters are increasingly negative about Kamala Harris’s chances of becoming the next President at WH2024. This follows declining poll ratings for the VP and a series of reports suggesting that all is not well in her office.
This is from The Hill
“Six months into office, polls indicate Harris is viewed less favorably than President Biden. She has also made some tactical missteps outside of the White House that Democrats say show she hasn’t quite yet found her bearings..Harris’s polling numbers are raising questions about how she might be used as Democrats seek to hold on to slim majorities in the House and Senate.”
That last point is significant. Normally an incoming VP would play a big role in the first electoral test for the new administration – the midterms exactly two years after the President was elected and the suggestion here is that she might be a liability.
This is from Insider
The news spread fast around the alumni network of Vice President Kamala Harris’ ex-staffers in California and Washington after a string of unflattering stories were published late last month…Some of them said they were thrilled to have worked for a woman they — and many in the public — see as a brilliant politician and cultural icon… But others described Harris as unpredictable and at times demeaning to her staff over the years. She often hung up on her aides, berated them when she didn’t think they were prepared enough for briefings, and had a reputation for churning through interns and lower-level staff.
Another report in The Hill
Republicans on the campaign trail are zeroing in on Vice President Harris as their political target of choice as the midterm battle draws closer..The attacks against Harris come as Republicans have struggled to define President Biden, who enjoys higher approval ratings than his vice president and who has largely managed to sidestep any major controversies so far
If Biden does decide to stand again in 2024 could there be a different running mate?