Even Tory leavers are giving Starmer positive approval ratings
Just a week after becoming Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has this weekend seen his first approval ratings and the numbers are certainly hugely different from those of his predecessor. He starts with an opinion net 26% lead for those saying he’s has their approval against those who say he doesn’t have their approval.
The party/referendum vote split will be encouraging for the Starmer camp. He’s clearly doing well amongst LAB remainers and GE2019 LDs and, as the graphic shows he’s doing better amongst CON remainers than LAB leavers admittedly only by a fraction. What is surprsing is that CON GE19/leavers give him a small positive rating.
Maybe this is all about LAB now being led by someone who is not electorally toxic like his predecessor.
An issue with leader ratings so soon after getting the job is that there’s high level of don’t knows a total which will get smaller over time.