How long before a UK coronavirus death does not make the front pages

How long before a UK coronavirus death does not make the front pages

There’ll come a time when this is no longer news

Inevitably the first UK death from the corona virus is a major milestone for the country as it faces an ever expanding total of people who have been affected.

Quite a few countries experienced their first death some time ago and it seems that the UK’s only just catching up. Maybe that’s because it has been later to start here?

One thing is for sure that is that as soon as we get to a situation where the NHS cannot cope with those vulnerable groups most susceptible to having it it then the politics could change.

Will we get to that stage? I don’t know but it could happen and that’s when it gets really serious. There is only a finite supply of respirators within the NHS and if this is going to be as bad as many of the predictions then it’s going to be hard lines on people whose lives could be saved if they had had the equipment access.

Mike Smithson

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