Damian McBride wonders why there’s been no official denial of the pig story from Team Dave

Damian McBride wonders why there’s been no official denial of the pig story from Team Dave

There’s a fascinating critique in the Guardian this morning by Damian McBride on the way the Cameron team has dealt with the allegations being made by Lord Ashcroft, particularly the one about the pig.

He argues strongly that they should have been a total an absolute denial of the story right at the very start and by that not being it has been made the situation far worse.

McBride, of course, worked for Gordon Brown and had a lot of experience of situations like this. He observes:

“.. Perhaps the PM’s spin team decided that responding officially to the pig story would oblige them to respond to potentially more damaging allegations regarding Ashcroft’s non-dom status. Better, instead, to say they were not commenting on any of the book’s contents.

If so, it was a major miscalculation, and one I’d suggest they are too experienced to have made. In the absence of an instant bucket of water, the story has caught fire over the past two days. Not only that, it’s allowed other newspapers to declare open season on Cameron’s private life, as we see from today’s “coke parties” splash in the Sun…

Mike Smithson

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