If the latest YouGov IndyRef poll is right then the outcome could be very close indeed
YouGov IndyRef poll for the Times finds NO leads down to just 6%. It was 18% in July. %age of LAB voters supporting YES up from 13% to 30 — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) September 1, 2014 YouGov/Times IndyRef poll finds undecided voters splitting to YES by 2-1. — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) September 1, 2014 YouGov's Peter Kellner says "Salmond is within touching distance of victory"; http://t.co/eVCF04rult — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) September 1, 2014 Via @benrileysmith How YouGov IndyRef polls have…