Looking at the 2010 CON voters whom Cameron has to win back back

Looking at the 2010 CON voters whom Cameron has to win back back

The other big battle of GE2015

There are two groups voters who will decide GE2015 – those who voted Lib Dem in 2010 who now say they are voting LAB, and those who voted for Cameron’s Conservatives who now tell pollsters that they will vote UKIP.

We have focused a fair bit on the former but less so on the latter. The big blue hope is that that when faced with the prospect of a Miliband-led LAB government they will return to the fold.

The big question is will they?

So I thought it a good idea to look at regular intervals on how the 2010 cohort of CON voters is looking at big issues compared with those currently supporting the party.

The following charts are based on the weekend’s Survation poll for the Mail on Sunday.

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