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Month: November 2012

David Herdson asks: Can anyone Unite the States again?

David Herdson asks: Can anyone Unite the States again?

David Herdson looks at the implication of a divided United States.… — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) November 10, 2012 Have we seen the end of Presidential landslide victories? In the six presidential elections between 1964 and 1984, every state in the USA bar one (Arizona) voted at least once for a Republican and once for a Democrat. In the six most recent elections, between 1992 and 2012, only nineteen have done so. For the third time in four US…

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The defeat of Mitt Romney – now Newt Gingrich is getting the blame

The defeat of Mitt Romney – now Newt Gingrich is getting the blame

Team Romney now blaming Newt Gingrich for the defeat. It was Newt who first played the Bain card.… — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) November 9, 2012 But it was Romney who went negative first According to Fortune the Romney camapaign is now blaming Newt Gingrich for the defeat because he went big on attacking Mitt over Bain. The Romney campaign was well aware that Bain Capital would become a major issue in the general election. After all, the late…

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Suddenly New York Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand (50-1) is being talked about as the 2016 Democratic Party nominee

Suddenly New York Senator, Kirsten Gillibrand (50-1) is being talked about as the 2016 Democratic Party nominee

My first Dem nomination 2016 bet: 66/1 on Sen Kirsten Gillibrand of NY – reelected on Tues with 72% of vote… — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) November 9, 2012 Time to start thinking about 2016 There’s always something rather pleasurable about picking, at long odds, a party nominee or a president four years out. What you need is value – a long shot who might just do it for you. In 2005 I got on Barack Obama at 50/1. My…

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Henry G Manson assesses the implications for Labour of Clegg staying until 2015

Henry G Manson assesses the implications for Labour of Clegg staying until 2015

Henry G Manson on the implications for Labour of Clegg staying until the general election.… — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) November 9, 2012 Any LAB-LD deal is dependent on Clegg going During this week’s Prime Minister’s Question Time Nick Clegg ruled himself as a future candidate for European Commissioner. The Lib Dem leader’s pro-European credentials were strong. He previously worked for Leon Brittan while he was a Commissioner and as an MEP for the East Midlands for five years….

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It’s all over. The Romney campaign concedes Florida

It’s all over. The Romney campaign concedes Florida

@politicalwireRomney campaign concedes Florida.The final state is in. See here… — Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) November 8, 2012 This makes the final ECV tally 332 to 206. Hopefully the bookies won’t be too long is settling the outstanding bets that were contingent on the outcome. Mike Smithson For the latest polling and political betting news Follow @MSmithsonPB

The anti-Romney attack ad that is said to have been the most effective

The anti-Romney attack ad that is said to have been the most effective

And news of the PB prediction competition According to the Washington Post this was probably one of the most effective of the campaign. On YouTube it has had nearly three million views. It wasn’t from the Obama campaign itself but one of the so-called “Super PACs” that was supporting him campaign without having any links to the official campaign itself. As the campaign hit its peak negative ads like this were filling almost all the commercial breaks if you were…

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And now election junkies we have the Police and Crime Commissioner elections

And now election junkies we have the Police and Crime Commissioner elections

Just a week to go – how many will vote? In an effort to boost turnout in next Thursday’s elections which are being held in all parts of England outside London the Home Office has launched a multi-media advertising campaign, including the TV one above, to raise awareness and help boost turnout. At the moment there is little betting interest apart from on how many will actually bother to go to the polling stations. The big political interest next Thursday…

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