YouGov suggests that turnout in the PCC elections is going to be higher than expected. Time to bet?

YouGov suggests that turnout in the PCC elections is going to be higher than expected. Time to bet?

Should we be a bit cautious about the findings?

Ladbrokes have adjusted their PCC elections turnout bet following the YouGov poll at the weekend that had 28% in the areas where elections will be held saying they were 10/10 certain to vote.

    On the face of it this makes the current 5/6 that it will be 20% or more quite attractive but there has been some ambivalence from the pollster about its 28% figure.

Senior YouGov political polling executive, Anthony Wells, had this to say on his blog – UKPollingReport.

“…28% of people in areas with elections say they are 10/10 certain to vote in this week’s election. Turnout is notoriously difficult to predict in opinion polls – people invariably overestimate their own likelihood to vote – but at general elections the proportion of people who say they are 10/10 certain to vote has not been a bad guide to actual turnout. 28% however still sounds quite high considering some of the predictions we’ve seen, just lower than the sort of level more energetically contested local elections usually get.”

That doesn’t sound like a pollster being confident about his numbers.

I got on at Ladbrokes when the threshold was 17%. Now it’s moved up to 20% I would be more cautious and would probably give this bet a miss.

An issue with YouGov, of course, is that its polling is restricted to members of its polling panel and it might well be that they have a greater interest in politics than the electorate as a whole.

What could assist turnout levels are the simultaneous other elections taking place on the same day in a number of places. We have three Westminster by-elections, the Bristol mayoral election as well as scores of local council by-elections.

Mike Smithson

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