The Tories are losing the coalition blame game – YouGov

The Tories are losing the coalition blame game – YouGov

The above tweets are key findings from YouGov polling published overnight on views of the coalition following Nick Clegg’s big statement on Monday saying LD MPs, including ministers, would not vote for the boundary changes because of the Tory failure to deliver on Lords reform.

All this follows the Tory rebellion in the commons last month when 91 MPs voted against the party leadership on the bill. Their opposition has effectively killed it.

    The rebel MPs, naively in my view, appeared to believe that their actions would be pain-free.

    Now, if this polling is correct, the Tories are also losing the battle of which side is to blame.

The political reality is that Clegg’s statement was inevitable particularly at this stage before the autumn party conferences.

If Cameron couldn’t deliver his party on something so important to his coalition partner as Lords reform then it was blindingly obvious that Clegg would be unable deliver the 20 seat boundary bonus for the Tories.

As far as I can see the only thing that’s holding the coalition together now is Labour’s position in the opinion polls.

Hopefully we will see more polling from other firms in the next few days.

Mike Smithson @MSmithsonPB

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