Have you or would you ever vote for a party that is not your own?

Have you or would you ever vote for a party that is not your own?

Would you ever vote for a party other than that which is your primary allegiance? Tick as many as apply.
NO I always vote the same way.
YES To stop another party winning in my seat
YES If I was not happy with my own party’s incumbent/candidate
YES To bring my party to its senses over a particular issue
YES If thought another party’s candidate would make a better MP/councillor etc
YES Another reason not listed
Not applicable. I have no primary allegiance

Just had a long chat with David Herdson who has just returned from his holidays and we got onto the subject of tactical voting. Had we ever done it and under what circumstances? I thought an informal PB online survey might be interesting.

David is writing tomorrow morning’s thread header.


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