Opinium records a 6.5% swing from Labour to the Tories

Opinium records a 6.5% swing from Labour to the Tories

Opinium (Daily Express) Mar 29 Mar 22
LABOUR 28% 30%
LIB DEMS 16% 15%
LAB to CON swing from 2005 6.5% 5%

Another poll has Brown’s party falling further behind

The first of what I expect to be three polls tonight, new pollster Opinium for the Daily Express, conitnues the trend of all the weekend surveys and has Labour’s deficit getting bigger.

The gap is now ten points and the shares on the simplified UNS rule of thumb calculation would give Cameron an overall majority.

This comes as what Channel 4 are dubbing the “three Chancellors” are preparing for their high profile live debate. That starts at 8pm.

Other polls tonight are expected from ComRes and YouGov.

Mike Smithson

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