Are you ready for the long night?

Are you ready for the long night?

    Welcome to another election night on PBC

This is it – the biggest political night since the 2004 Presidential Election – and it looks set to be a cliff hanger that will continue right through until tomorrow morning – UK time.

To help us all this is how Politicalwire sees tonight’s Democratic races:-

Advantage Clinton: Arkansas, New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee

Advantage Obama: Alabama, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota, Kansas, North Dakota

No Clear Favorite: Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Missouri, Delaware, Utah, Massachusetts, American Samoa, Democrats Abroad

These are the assessments on the GOP contests:-

Advantage McCain: Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Montana, New York, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Tennessee

Advantage Romney: Alaska, Colorado, Massachusetts, West Virginia, Utah

No Clear Favorite: California, Missouri, Georgia, Minnesota

The latest betting is listed here.

Please watch out for the continuation thread at 0200 GMT.

Mike Smithson

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