Would the Tories really do better with Hague?
Assessing the alternatives to Cameron: 1. Hague
Ths is the first in a series of articles in which I will look at the possible alternatives to David Cameron should, for whatever reason the party find itself choosing another leader.
This is something that I don’t think is likely to happen but it just might. The potential of several figures will be examined before I reveal the identity of the person I have good reason to believe that Labour most fears.
And that person is definitely not the former leader and current shadow foreign secretary, William Hague. His claim has been reinforced by an article from the founder of YouGov and Jeffrey Archer’s former campaign manager, Stephan Shakespeare. He suggested that Rupert Murdoch had decided that he wanted Hague back in the charge and his media outlets might promote such a line.
- I don’t buy this. During the recent troubled weeks Cameron has been getting reasonable support from the Sun and its editorial after this week’s PMQs must have been encouraging
If Brown continues to oppose an EU referendum he could see increasing hostility.
The reason why Hague would be a disastrous choice for the Tories is that Labour would be able to paint it as a return to the past. Cameron has shown that he can secure broader appeal for his party which is vital if any progress is to be made. Because Hague’s been there before it would be much harder for him to be seen as a change figure.
Quite simply Hague has got too much baggage. My guess is that Hague, who was very bruised by the 2001 election knows this and would not want to submit himself to the experience again.
Mike Smithson