Ladbrokes make Salmond the favourite to “win” tonight’s debate

Ladbrokes make Salmond the favourite to “win” tonight’s debate

Salmond in debate (1)

Surely the SNP leader will be better prepared than last time?

Tonight’s the big one in the the IndyRef campaign. With postal packs due to go out by the end of the week large numbers of Scottish voters could have cast their votes a week today.

The election itself is not until September 18th but the nature of the increasingly popular postal voting is to cut sharply the length of time to make the argument.

Tonight’s debate, broadcast live on BBC2 throughout the UK, could be the final opportunity the SNP leader has to turn things round. He was widely regarded to have lost the first TV encounter.

I thought that he went into the STV debate believing that Darling would be a push-over and really hadn’t thought it through or put in the serious preparation. That, surely, won’t happen again. It reminded me of Cameron in the first TV debate of the GE2010. He was poor.

A problem for the betting is that generally those polled give their verdicts in line with which side they are on and, of course, all the polls are currently recording more NO voters than YES.

On the buzzword bingo I’ve yet to take a view.

Mike Smithson

2004-2014: The view from OUTSIDE the Westminster bubble

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