What’ll this do to the hung parliament talk?

What’ll this do to the hung parliament talk?

CON 41% (37)
LAB 24% (27)
LD 21%(20)
OTHERS 14% (16)

Another poll has the Labour deficit at 17 points

As the Tory press office has broken the embargo I feel able to reveal the ComRes details as well. The poll for the Indy on Sunday, shows a sharp change in the position from the pollster barely ten days ago.

The shares, as can be seen, are almost the same as Friday’s PB/Angus Reid poll which has 40-23-19.

There are reported to be two more polls out tonight and judging by the same source on Twitter the gaps are going to be nothing like this one.

ComRes does seem to move about quite a lot.

I’m off to a social event and will update this post later in the evening.

Mike Smithson

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