Trump becoming an even stronger betting favourite for the WH2024 Republican nomination

Although we have largely igonored US politic since Biden was inaugurated the former president continues to work hard to undermine the WH2020 outcome and remains the most powerful political force in his party.
No Republican politician who wants to be re-elected is going to deny Trump’s big lie that the last election was stolen from him. Even big figures like Senator Mitch McConnell are going along with this even though it is in direct contradiction to what they said on January 6th when the Trump backed mobs launched their assault on the Capitol building.
Trump himself features far less in the mainstream media and no longer has his Facebook and Twitter accounts. In spite of this he remains powerful.
A worrying trend is that state legislature after state legislature have changed their laws relating to elections so that the votes from those who oppose them can be suppressed more easily. Some are also taking the powers to overrule legitimate election results in their states by bringing in the partisan political control of elections.
The polling shows that more than half of those who voted Republican last time believe that the election was stolen from Trump who is the “legitimate” president.
I am genuinely fearful for the future of US democracy.