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Author: MikeSmithson

YouGov polling blow for the man Ladbrokes make the 5-1 second favourite to be Dave’s successor

YouGov polling blow for the man Ladbrokes make the 5-1 second favourite to be Dave’s successor

Osbo trailed behind behind EdM, Boris, Clegg, Farage & even Balls Although the fieldwork took place earlier in the month and before the budget it was only this week that YouGov put up the above polling on their site. The question about how well suited X is to becoming PM is an interesting one which I can’t recall seeing before. The sample was asked for their views for each of those named in turn so it wasn’t an either/or type…

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LAB drops 4 in new YouGov Euros poll putting CON to within 4 percent

LAB drops 4 in new YouGov Euros poll putting CON to within 4 percent

The May 22 Euros are looking like a three horse race Two worrying polls for LAB overnight. The latest YouGov GE 2015 poll has the gap down to 1% once again with LAB at 36% – it’s lowest for a long time. Meanwhile, with less than 8 weeks to go until the May Euros, there’s another blow for LAB. The party is down 4% on two weeks ago while UKIP jump 3 to 26%. This means that three parties are…

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Murdoch predicts LAB victory at GE2015

Murdoch predicts LAB victory at GE2015

UKIP,Farage still making progress. Without a deal Cameron will be dead meat after 2015 elections. Prepare for Radical Labour. — Rupert Murdoch (@rupertmurdoch) March 27, 2014 It’s hard to argue with his reasoning This is where the current UKIP vote is coming from. The idea that the purples are taking as many votes from LAB as CON is a nonsense. UKIP hurts the Tories far more than any other party as can be seen from the chart based on the…

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The big question is whether and how the debate impacts on voting in the Euros and GE2015

The big question is whether and how the debate impacts on voting in the Euros and GE2015

Did both leaders achieve their goals? The experience of US presidential debates and, of course, the British GE2010 is that “winning” the debate is not necessarily a good pointer to its impact on voting. For Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg the critical upcoming election is on May 22nd – the Euros. Farage has built up expectations about a UKIP win on votes while at current polling levels it is not inconceivable that the LDs could lose all their MEPs. Both…

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The Maggie Thatcher 1979 experience: Why leader and “best PM” ratings are not necessarily the best guide to how people will vote

The Maggie Thatcher 1979 experience: Why leader and “best PM” ratings are not necessarily the best guide to how people will vote

CON GE2015 hopes are too reliant on Miliband’s poor ratings The Times is leading on polling about Ed Miliband’s PM ratings which are not good for Labour. There is no doubt that on almost every measure when put up against Cameron he does worse – sometimes by quite a margin. But you have to put these sorts of numbers into context. The PM ratings trend chart above is from the last general election that the Tories were returned to power…

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Ladbrokes open betting on all 57 LD seats and make the yellows favourites to hold on to 35

Ladbrokes open betting on all 57 LD seats and make the yellows favourites to hold on to 35

It’ll be interesting to follow the changing prices This afternoon Ladbrokes put up betting markets in every one of the 57 seats that the Lib Dems will be defending at GE2015. In 35 of them, all but one of them defences against the Tories, the Ladbrokes opening prices make the LDs favourite and in a further three Clegg’s party is join favourite. From a quick look down the list the MPs most likely to be still there on May 8th…

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