Bloomberg’s high budget WH2020 campaign will continue against Trump even if he fails to win the nomination

In a move that steps up to even greater levels the amount being spent on the WH20202 campaign multi-billionaire and contender Mike Bloomberg has announced that his entire campaign organisation will be put at the disposal of whoever the nominee is should it fail to be him.
This is no small deal. NBC News reports:
Michael Bloomberg’s massive campaign apparatus and an army of some 500 staffers will march on through the general election in November even if he loses the Democratic nomination, shifting their efforts toward working to elect whoever the party selects to face President Trump, Bloomberg’s vast tech operation will also be redirected to help the eventual nominee, as Democrats struggle to compete with the vaunted digital operation built by Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale. Hawkfish, a digital company started by Bloomberg that’s carrying out his $100 million online ad campaign, will be retained through Election Day to help defeat President Trump. Said campaign manager Kevin Sheekey: “Mike Bloomberg is either going to be the nominee or the most important person supporting the Democratic nominee for president. He is dedicated to getting Trump out of the White House.”
Meanwhile Bloomberg has booked a $10m 60 second ad during the Superbowl on February 2nd. Within hours of the news being made known the Trump campaign announced that it would do the same.