CON leads moves to 15% with ComRes online while Corbyn sees 10% drop in his favourability ratings

CON leads moves to 15% with ComRes online while Corbyn sees 10% drop in his favourability ratings


Con 42% (NC)
Lab 27% (-2)
LD 7% (NC)
UKIP 15% (+2)
Green 3% (NC)
SNP 5% (NC)
Other 1% (NC)

And Osbo’s leadership hopes take another blow

The ComRes leader ratings paint a very different picture from that which we saw from Ipsos earlier in the week. This is down to the question. ComRes ask favourability questions while the Ipsos-MORI rating relates to leader satisfaction. The latter found 28% of 2015 CON voters saying they are satisfied with Corbyn – a number which is very telling in itself.

George Osborne has the second worst rating of a UK politician at a net minus 19%. If his hopes of replacing Dave are to be realised then those figures have to improve markedly. Boris continues to dominate.

Only half of Labour voters view Jeremy Corbyn favourably (53%) – this compares to 85% of Conservative voters viewing David Cameron favourably.

40% say LAB MPs should oust Corbyn

What could be worrying is that when asked “Labour MPs should remove Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party” 40% of those sampled said yes with 31% disagreeing, Of LAB voters 20% say their leader of just ten weeks should be ousted against 56% who say he shouldn’t.

The sample was split 39-39 on whether they trusted Dave to keep them and their family safe. This was in sharp contrast to Corbyn where only 17% said they trusted him on this and 58% said they didn’t.

Overall a very poor poll for LAB and its new leader.

Mike Smithson

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