How online polls are producing higher LAB and UKIP shares while phone surveys are best for the LDs and Greens

How online polls are producing higher LAB and UKIP shares while phone surveys are best for the LDs and Greens

CON is about the same under either approach

After my post last night on how there is a big gap between phone and online polling on the CON+LAB aggregates I decided to take this a bit further looking at how each party fared under each approach.

The results, based on the last public polls of nine firms, are featured in the chart above. Essentially LAB and UKIP do better with the online polling while the LDs and Greens come out with better figures in phone polls.

Tory shares show very little variation between the two approaches.

ComRes which carries out monthly phone and online GE2015 surveys has been included in each category. The ICM figures are based on the Guardian poll while its online Wisdom Index for the Sunday Telegraph has not been included because it is not a voting intention poll.

I plan to update this monthly to see if the same pattern continues. Looking back over previous months it appears that the current picture has been operating for some time.

Mike Smithson

2004-2014: The view from OUTSIDE the Westminster bubble

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