Possibly not good news for the Scottish separatists: the final two polls to be completed have NO with the largest leads

Possibly not good news for the Scottish separatists: the final two polls to be completed have NO with the largest leads

So the last poll is out. The Ipsos-MORI phone survey completed yesterday evening has a 6% lead. That compares with a 2% lead in its poll for STV published yesterday evening and based on fieldwork carried out Monday and Tuesday.

    What’s striking is that the latest Ipsos-MORI split is the same as the latest Survation phone poll split where fieldwork ended at 9pm last night

If this is not just statistical noise, as it could be, then it is positive for NO and not good news for the separatists.

Ipsos-MORI has a long tradition of seeking to have the final poll at general elections on the grounds that it wants to be able to pick up late swings.

Mike Smithson

2004-2014: The view from OUTSIDE the Westminster bubble

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