On the eve of the budget a Survation poll restricted to those in employment has LAB lead of 17 percent

On the eve of the budget a Survation poll restricted to those in employment has LAB lead of 17 percent

There’s a new Survation poll out this morning where the sample is restricted to those in employment either full-time or part-time. It was commissioned by Unions 21 but the target sample was all those working not just union members.

There is nothing to compare this with in the past so it is hard to say whether there is a trend or not.

Of those sampled 73% said they’d seen wages fall relative to the cost of living in last 2 years. 4% had seen them rise.

A big element was that 40% of the sample said they feared losing their jobs which clearly has a political impact.

5% of the sample were on zero hours contracts.

Excluded from the sample are those not in jobs – the retired, employers, students, full time mums etc.

I don’t know whether I’m surprised at the findings and I cannot recall a similar poll.

Mike Smithson

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