If “help to buy” boosts house prices it could be an election negative for the Tories

If “help to buy” boosts house prices it could be an election negative for the Tories

Ipsos-MORI poll goes against conventional wisdom

A new Ipsos MORI poll for Inside Housing has found nearly three times as many Britons disagree than agree that rising house prices are a good thing for the country.

Just under a quarter (23%) strongly disagree that “Rising house prices are a good thing for Britain” while a further third (34%) tend to disagree. A fifth (20%) either strongly agree or tend to agree that price rises are a good thing.

The poll shows the public more likely to think “Rising housing prices are a good thing for me personally” than think they would be good for Britain but, still, many more disagree than agree; by 41% to 29%. Again, just under a quarter (24%) strongly disagree.

Even among those who think rising house prices would be a good thing for them personally, more disagree than agree that rises would be good for Britain: 44% take this view, more than the 37% who think rises would be good.

Mike Smithson

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