Marf on a day with a lot of polling numbers

Marf on a day with a lot of polling numbers

YouGov data confirms perceptions about Ukip supporters

YouGov has put out some aggregate data from its February polling about those members of its online panel telling the firm that they will vote Ukip at the next election.

The picture is broadly what we knew:

Ukip voters are more likely to be older, male, and to be likely to havw finished their education at 15/16. They are also more likely to have an annual household income of less than £40,000.

In 2010 current Ukip supporters split as follows:-

These are, of course, national figures when asked about a hypothetical general election tomorrow. What they might do in CON-LAB and CON-LD marginals on May 7th 2015 might be different.

Mike Smithson

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