The PB-William Hill White House race prediction competition – UPDATE
We still don’t have the final results from all the states and we can’t yet settle the competition.
The big problem is the state of New York which could have final results that push this even further to Obama. Currently, according to the excellent spreadsheet being maintained by Andy JS, Obama is on 50.97% to Romney 47.29%.
The three prizes go to those who get the final gap closest to two decimal points. These are the entrants that look good at the moment.
James Goldstone: 3.74
murali_S: 3.77
terrier66: 3.77
Ping: 3.78
Jack Rankin: 3.78
nigel: 3.81
Where two have made the same prediction then the first one on the thread will be deemed to be ahead.
If it looks as though we will have to wait a long time in the New Year then we are considering making an extrapolation for New York based on the data we have. I don’t want to do this but we can’t have this hanging on indefinitely.
Mike Smithson
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