Could the G20 protests be the main story?

Could the G20 protests be the main story?

Will the police measures distract attention from the meeting itself

With world leaders arriving in London for Thursday’s G20 meeting in the capital a big police operation is going on to ensure that the gathering itself can take place in relative peace and safety.

Given the bomb attacks in London in July 2005 when the G8 meeting was taking place in Gleneagles there’s obviously a worry about police over-stretch.

Meanwhile the person ostensibly in charge of all of this, Jacqui Smith, has her own problems to deal.

All the parties have their own political agenda and, of course, David Cameron has been given a boost by being invited to a private meeting with Barack Obama.

Whatever we are in for an interesting few days.

  • Our cartoon, the first for a while, is by Marf. More of her work can be found at Welcome back Marf – you have been missed.
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