What’s the leadership fallout from Manchester?
Gordon Brown – better conference than might have been expected. Speech OK with party activists and might expect a poll boost. Looks like he’ll survive at least until the 2009 local and Euro elections. Good conference.
Harriet Harman – will have upset Tory supporters with the personal nature of her attacks on Cameron but went down well with the delegates. She’s still there and she owes her position a contested election of the whole movement unlike anybody else. Don’t underestimate her. Good conference.
David Miliband Those terrible pictures with Gordon and the Michael Heseltine remark won’t have done him any good at all. For him to succeed he needs the backing of the wider party and he made little or no progress. Bad conference.
Ed Miliband Now emerging as the star of the Miliband brothers. A good interview with Jeremy Paxman in which he fought back won’t have done him any harm. Good conference.
Alan Johnson He’s got health, a great portfolio but he just falls short in his presentation skills. Note quite there. Neutral conference.
James Purnell Good knock about attack on the Tories which pleased delegates. Now he’s shortened his ridiculously long side-burns starts to look quite serious. Good conference.
David Cameron Lots of meat for him to get into next week and hey – Gordon is still there which can only be positive news. Good conference.
UPDATE: Possible polls tonight. I am expecting one or two polls for tomorrow’s papers testing whether there’s been a change in Labour’s popularity following Brown’s conference speech yesterday. It’s my wife’s birthday and we are off out so I won’t be able to cover them until later on. If you see details please post them here with links. It could be interesting.
Mike Smithson