YouGov CON member ratings of the three still in the race raise questions over Gove
But very good for May
In its recent party membership polling YouGov has introduced a ratings question with a simple format “Generally speaking, do you have a positive or negative opinion of the following people?”
In the context of the fight for Number 10 this might have quite a bearing. What’s interesting is to look at responses based on how those sampled voted in the referendum. May rates at 89%-2% amongst remainers but still a respectable 67%-17% with leavers.
Leadsom, who is much less known, has far more don’t know coming out with 67%-5% with leavers and 17%-41% with remainers. Gove’s figures are 43%-42% with leavers and 13% to 73% with remainers.
All this suggests is that the Home Secretary is in with a very good chance if these findings are a pointer to how members will vote if there is a postal ballot.