As Corbyn is finding the more he looks like winning the more detailed scrutiny he’ll come under

As Corbyn is finding the more he looks like winning the more detailed scrutiny he’ll come under

Tonight’s developments are going to be hard to deal with

A key part of the report:-

“…Mr Cobryn was confronted about his links to Dyab Abou Jahjah, an alleged former fighter for Hezbollah with whom he shared a platform, on BBC Radio Four’s World at One.

“Sorry, who? I saw the name this morning and I asked somebody: ‘who is he?’,” Mr Corbyn replied.

Pushed to confirm that he had never heard of Mr Jahjah, the Islington North MP added: “I’m sorry, I don’t know who this person is.”

However within minutes a photgraph of Mr Corbyn appearing alongside Mr Jahjah in 2009 was circulating on social media…”

Mike Smithson

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