Methinks that Burnham’s nationalise the railways plan could come back to have haunt him

Methinks that Burnham’s nationalise the railways plan could come back to have haunt him


It just looks as if he’s scared of Corbyn

Although Burnham has been careful to say that he’d move the railways back into the public sector line by line it is the headline that is going to stick and will be used by the Tories.

This can easily woven into a narrative about the red team’s economic credibility and we saw in May how blisteringly effective that can be.

Lynton Crosby always says that it is not policies themselves that are election issues but what they say about those proposing them.

This appears as though Burnham has panicked about the Corbyn threat which, as we should remind ourselves, is there because the Burnham team were happy to lend MP nomination support to the left-wing rebel.

Mike Smithson

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