Can the blues make the LIBOR affair stick on Labour and Miliband?

Can the blues make the LIBOR affair stick on Labour and Miliband?

Could it really be be a game changer?

The headlines are not good for Labour this morning as more accusations come into the open about the last government and the LIBOR scandal.

You sense a real sense of relief in the battered blue team that now they can go on the attack.

Whoever does the Tory HQ Twitter feed appears to be on steroids as every effort is made to maximise damage to the party with solid 40 ratings in the polls.

    I’m not so sure about the consequences. Understanding what actually happened and why it was wrong is quite hard for the mass of voters to grasp and in any case the main player associated with the party in that period, Gordon Brown, has long since moved on.

Ed Miliband might have been an integral part of the Brown set-up but it’s going to be challenging getting any dirt to stick.

The main issue, of course, something is that what happened was then and this is now. Previous Tory efforts to blacken the current Labour line-up with the deeds of the past have been cack-handed and without success.

This is going to be a good test for both Cameron and Miliband at today’s PMQs.

Mike Smithson @MSmithsonPB

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