Is Perry really as certain as this?

Is Perry really as certain as this?

Can the Texas Governor be beaten for the nomination?

The latest round of polling on the GOP race for the nomination has looked good for Rick Perry – the outspoken governor of Texas.

Latest Gallup GOP poll

Rick Perry 25%
Mitt Romney 14%
Sarah Palin 11%
Ron Paul 11%
Rudy Giuliani 9%
Michele Bachmann 7%
Herman Cain 4%
Newt Gingrich 3%
Rick Santorum 3%
Jon Huntsman 1%
Other 1%
No preference 12%

All the candidates bar one in the poll have formally declared – the one who hasn’t is Rudy Giuliani who has said he’ll wait until after the tenth anniversary of 9/11 which takes place in three weeks. He’ll be encouraged that he is maintaining reasonable ratings.

The big loser in the poll is Michelle Bachmann who is seeing her support evaporate.

Mitt Romney is now firmly in second place and a lot for him depends on the first proper primary (Iowa is a caucus state) in New Hampshire. This should be a breeze because it adjoins Massachusetts where Mitt built his political reputation as governor.

There is still a long long way to go and I’m far from convinced that Perry is the man.


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