Can Ed Miliband make inroads into these ICM figures?

Can Ed Miliband make inroads into these ICM figures?

Best for Britain..? All voters% CON voters% LAB voters% LD voters%
CON alone 19 50 4 9
LAB alone 26 2 68 8
CON-LD coalition 21 41 3 41
LAB-LD coalition 13 4 20 25
Don’t know 20 4 7 17

Are the LDs and Tories just getting used to each other?

The above table is based on data from the latest Guardian/ICM for which the full dataset has now just been published.

It strikes me that this is increasingly going to be a key question in ICM and other polls because it presents a snap-shot of how supporters of the three main parties think about the current and potential future situations.

We’ll be able to gauge, in particular, how supporters of the coalition partners feel about the situation and track the movement.

The surprising findings here are the relatively high levels of support, 41% in each case, being given to the the CON-LD coalition from voters of the participating partners. It’s also interesting comparing this with the lower level of LD support being given to a LAB-LD arrangement.

Maybe that will change as Ed Miliband gets into his stride.

Clearly the LD base in the poll is substantially below that of the general election and ICM found that 17% who voted for Nick Clegg’s party then are now Labour supporters.

Mike Smithson

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