How’s this going to move after Bournemouth?

How’s this going to move after Bournemouth?

Is there a case for a Lib Dem sell?

The Sporting Index Spread Market on the number of commons seats the parties will win at the general election has seen little movement in recent weeks – but could all that change after the conferences?

Whether Nick Clegg manages to put things on a firmer footing in his speech this afternoon remains to be seen but given that this is the last big showcase before the general election the best that can be said is that it’s “less than optimal”.

As we’ve seen time and time again electors punish parties that appear to be split and from tuition fees abolition to the mansion tax the message coming out of Bournemouth has hardly been one of unity.

Generally the Lib Dems expect to get a poll boost from their conference if only because of the exposure. Is that going to be seen in the weekend’s polling?

My guess is that by the time we have completed all three conferences then the Lib Dems might experience a dip and that could impact on the spread price.

I was a Lib Dem buyer but got out at a profit before the Euro elections. Now I’m not so sure.

Mike Smithson

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