PMQs Open Thread

PMQs Open Thread

What line might Cameron take today?

It could be a tricky PMQs today for Gordon Brown – I’d expect him to take heavy fire over the refusal to completely scrap the ID cards programme, and wouldn’t be surprised if Ed Ball’s recent spat with Fraser Nelson of the Spectator didn’t earn a mention (here is the story, see also a definition of the Streisand Effect).

After Greg Hands MP complained that the PM and Schools Secretary not only failed to inform him of their visiting a school in his constituency, but that he was made aware that he was not invited (by a civil servant who was/is Damian McBride’s girlfriend), I wonder if Speaker Bercow might be called upon in a Point of Order to offer chastisement.

If I were a betting man, I would suggest that we might just hear a couple of mentions of 10% cuts in questions from the Labour backbenches, and perhaps even from the PM himself.

I’m out this afternoon at a graduation, so please be patient with comment moderation.


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