What’s been “PB’s One in a Million”?

What’s been “PB’s One in a Million”?

Your chance to nominate the best contributions

As many regulars will know the number of posts on PB since we started in 2004 is just about to hit the million mark. We are currently just over 18,000 short of the magic number which should be reached in the next two to three weeks.

So of all the the comments that you have seen are there any that really stand out? Are there any that could be worthy of the title “”PB’s One in a Million”?

What’s made you laugh and chuckle?

What’s given you a fresh insight in a political development?

What’s given you the best betting advice that enabled you to cash in?

…and so on

Which PB post do you nominate for the “PB One in a Million”.

To get the URL of the post you are referring to simply click on the “by” word next to the posters name.

The best way to search the site: Go to Google and enter site:politicalbetting.com followed by the search terms.

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