The TV campaign that says Hillary’s still there

The TV campaign that says Hillary’s still there

    Obama wins majority of pledged delegates but the race goes on

This is the new Clinton TV commercial for South Dakota which is holding its elections on June 3rd on the last day of this prolonged primary campaign for the Democratic nomination.

It has just been issued even though overnight Obama took a gigantic step forward by securing a majority of pledged delegates. Hillary had her expected big victory in Kentucky but Barack has built up a big margin in Oregon.

Even with the numbers in his favour the junior Senator from Illinois is being very careful not to claim victory. The words he used to a rally of supporters in Iowa in his speech were “You have put us within reach of the Democratic nomination”.

On the face of it the only way that Hillary can now do it is if the super-delegates swing dramatically back in her favour and there’s no sign of that happening. But the message she’s trying to get over is that she is a fighter and not someone who gives up.

If you want to bet that she can do it the best price is 15/1.

Mike Smithson

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