Why did we get the Lib Dems wrong?

Why did we get the Lib Dems wrong?

pbc poll lkb dems.JPG

    Was Ming’s party the big loser in yesterday’s elections?

The above instant “poll” was taken on Tuesday amongst visitors to the site and shows how people were perceiving the possibilities for Britain’s third party earlier in the week.

On the face of its things were looking up for Ming and his team. In the three previous national opinion polls, albeit on general election voting intention, the Lib Dems had shown significant improvements.

Yet with about half the results from the English councils still to come in it is clear that the 7% in our “poll” who predicted Lib Dem losses of more than 150 seats are the ones who got this right.

This surely is the big shock from Thursday and could it have lone-term implications.

Mike Smithson

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