Boris with 10-point lead in new You Gov poll

Boris with 10-point lead in new You Gov poll


Boris 47, Ken 37, Brian 10 – Boris leads 56-44 after second preferences

A new poll out today for the Evening Standard / ITV London Tonight shows Boris Johnson, who officially opened his campaign today, with a 10-point lead over Ken Livingstone, while the Lib Dems’ Brian Paddick trails on 10% of first preferences.

After re-allocating second preferences, this translates into a 12-point lead for Boris of 56-44, or a swing of about 11% from the performance of Steve Norris in 2004. Full details of the poll are here.

Latest prices are here – and Boris has already moved in four basis points to 1.43 now that a second poll has given him a big lead. With just over a month to go, Ken has it all to do.

Paul Maggs “Double Carpet”

Guest Editor

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